ART: Automated Run Times


Meet ART: Automated Run Time Email Robot

Send ALL commercial Run Times to SOME or ALL your clients at once! Not only is ART all about saving you time, but more importantly saving your reputation and assurance that a situation can’t come to bite you back later.

Stop sending Run Time information one by one and forever put an end to those nagging phone calls.

[progress_bar percentage=”100″ position=”left”]Assurance [/progress_bar]

“my commercials never ran, I listened all day and didn’t hear them” or “my commercial ran in the wrong daypart, on the wrong station”

ForwardNow you can Email your clients ALL their Run Time information from Natural Log the day before they air. Pretty cool, huh.

Example of an Automated Run Time Email:

[info close=”false”]These are your commercial run times from Murphy Broadcasting for Tuesday 11/27/2012:

KRCY-FM – Laughlin Entertainment Minute: 06:12 AM, 01:17 PM, 05:48 PM, 10:21 PM

KRCY-FM – P5657 Laughlin Entertainment Minute – Laughlin One Nov 26 – Dec 1 :60: 05:37 AM, 10:17 AM, 03:17 PM, 09:21 PM

KFTT-FM – P5657 Laughlin Entertainment Minute – Laughlin One Nov 26 – Dec 1 :60:[/info]


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