Connect: A CRM For Radio Sales
Radio Salesperson's Virtual AssistantYour Radio Station's Most Valued Assets On Cruise Control
Instant client neglect notifications, maximize client revenue & precisely monitors sales activity.

Drag & Drop Calendar!
A sales calendar is a must.
But with the number of demands on your time, keeping track of 100 customers and prospects while juggling production, prospecting and collections can be overwhelming. CONNECT helps you through every step and never forgets anything! Reminders of what you have planned, what is next and customer requests are at your fingertips at all times.
Long story short, you NEVER miss a beat!
Contact Information
If you would like more information on the worlds most advance radio management software drop us a line.
Phone: (888) 244-0436
Easily Integrates With Gmail Calendar & Outlook Calendar

Time Saving Benefits and Features of Connect
Track every stage of the sales process
Be Notified Instantly When:

Cancellations Occur

Incomplete Appts

Client Neglect

Intuitive software asks the right questions, so you don’t have to keep it all in your head.
+Efficiently complete required tasks
+Working with your natural tendencies
+Workload is completed more accurately
Automatic Reporting
Reports are generated and sent behind the scenes on their own. Sales funnel? Connect compiles it on its own. Want to know if an account is “taken” within your sales team or company? Ask Connect, and it will tell you.
+Replace the cumbersome process of compiling detailed reports and sending them out to all relevant parties manually on a report-by-report basis
+Free up time to focus on more value-added services for your clients
+Data automation provides the most relevant and helpful information in a timely manner
Completely Mobile
Simply talk to influence FM from any mobile device to schedule appointments, take notes, answer CNA questions and control your entire day or manage your entire staff. Voice-to-text technology is the future.

- 100% Cruise Control 100%
Learn How You Can Exceed Goal This Month.
Get complete control over your station’s operations all from one easy-to-use dashboard and make more money doing so. Our software allows you to now enjoy vacations without worry and, most importantly sleep at night knowing all is under control.
Contact Us Today For a Free Demo
888 244-0436
Included with all new customers!
- FREE phone support
- Export all your data whenever