Why Do We No Longer Support Internet Explorer?
A Hard to Support Browser
While Microsoft does most things very well, browser functionality is not one of them.
Even Microsoft knows this (read more here) and this is why they have created a new, replacement browser called “Edge”, which is bundled in their latest operating system, Microsoft 10.
influenceFM is not the only company to have issues with Internet Explorer. SalesForce.com, whic
The main reason for browser compatibility issues is that features in Internet Explorer have not kept pace with modern web features.
The second reason is speed. Once you switch to Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox you will notice considerable speed increases, and not only for the influenceFM site, but for all of your web experiences.
Our goal is to make your experience with influenceFM as positive as possible, but unfortunately for Internet Explorer users, changing to a different browser is the only way to ensure that goal.
Please download Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. You’ll find links to both sites at the right of this page.
Data to back up our claim:
Insightly.com (another very big CRM company)
Download Chrome
Download FireFox